Running Streamlit from Google Colab
Streamlit is a Python library for building Web Apps. System’s configuration and compatibility plays a handy role in running the Web App locally on your computer.
Google Colab comes to the rescue here . We can use Colab without worrying about the system configuration.
I have divided the Colab notebook into 3 cells each indicating specific task.
1st Cell
!pip install streamlit --quiet
!pip install pyngrok==4.1.1 --quiet
from pyngrok import ngrok
Installing Streamlit for creating simple web Apps.
Installing Pyngrok which is python wrapper for Ngrok Server. Ngrok is a powerful solution for providing secure tunnels from your local system to the public.
More on ngrok platform
is used to give less logs in the output section.
2nd Cell
import streamlit as st
st.title(‘Diazonic Labs’)
we use the magic command %%writefile to write the contents of the cell to a file.
I have just imported a simple Hello World kind of program displaying a text.
3rd Cell
!nohup streamlit run &
url = ngrok.connect(port = ‘8501’)
Use the command line statement streamlit run to run the Web App.
Append it with nohup command so that thee output is stored in nohup file
Also put ‘&’ towards the end. This helps a streamlit file run in the background.
Next connect to ngrok with default port of 8501 and get the public URL
NOTE: Run the cells in order .
Once you get the public URL, make changes only in the 2nd cell and execute it. Dont execute cells 1 and 3 after you get public URL. This might led to error.